Furry Reminder: When he dies for good in " Unfinished Business", his remaining limbs curl up like a non-anthropomorphic spider's.Face Death with Dignity: His last moment before the impact of his own rockets is a quiet acceptance of his defeat.He later gets one of those eyes replaced. Extra Eyes: Four of them, for a total of six.Expy: His deep voice and grandiose mannerisms are reminiscent of Beast Wars Megatron, right down to borrowing the purring "yeeeeesss" catch phrase.The Dreaded: Even Yularen thought that engaging him would be suicide.His replacement parts include Artificial Limbs, an Electronic Eye, a replacement mandible, what looks like a mechanical neck brace, and some replacement skin for half his face. Cyborg: He became one after his ship was destroyed over Christophsis.Character Tics: He has a habit of stroking his mandibles.

Character Death: After cheating death twice, he finally meets his end in " Unfinished Business" when Anakin impales him through the chest (thus nullifying the "no body seen" principle as was the case with his "death" in " Cat and Mouse") and then Wrecker blows up his ship with his corpse onboard.